2024-08-03 –, TR211
2023 年開放資料議程軌討論 GIS 軟體,維護翻譯以及社群經營。今年則回到社群成員比較投入的 OpenStreetMap 專案,請來日本、菲律賓以及台灣本地的參與者,討論各國 OpenStreetMap 的發展,社群狀況以及經營社群的實例分享以及維持社群動力的祕方,OpenStreetMap 的使用體驗與強項,還有未來 OpenStreetMap,尤其在亞太地區的未來願景。
A long time contributor of OpenStreetMap and Wikidata
GIS Engineer from Georepublic
- Sub president of Japan Unix Society
- Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan
- Director of OSGeo Japan
Feye Andal has been an active volunteer with OpenStreetMap-Philippines since 2013. Through her extensive involvement with OSM, she has honed her expertise in teaching diverse stakeholders how to effectively use OpenStreetMap and other open mapping tools, which is vital in advancing geographic information accessibility. Recognized for her leadership and expertise, Feye established a local YouthMappers chapter in the Philippines and has been serving as a Regional Ambassador of YouthMappers since 2020. She provides technical support to the chapters in this capacity, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among aspiring mappers.