COSCUP 2024 Special Track x Open Source Conference Japan

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Enterprise Networking with VyOS, an Open Source Router

In this session, we will introduce VyOS, basic usages, and configurations of VyOS in the enterprise environments. Show how to setup basic features, CLI, Routing, DHCP, and advanced networking features, Dynamic Routing, VPN, Firewall, NAT. Control all your network with VyOS's same user experience, wonderful flexibility, robustness and reliability. Use VyOS EC2 instance in the AWS to demo the connection between the public cloud and on-prem data center.

Introduce what is VyOS, and a little bit Open Source project VyOS and development history. Introduce VyOS features, configuration, and usage. Use some advanced feature to show the strength of this project.

Show how VyOS commuinity works, ask questions in the vyos forum, report bugs in vyos bug tracker, how the business works with Open source project.

  • Intro what is VyOS
  • Intro basic routing, NAT feature
  • Intro Wireguard VPN, IPsec, Firewall, BGP feature
  • Intro the benefit of open source router and Linux based router
  • Use AWS and on-prem datacenter to demo the connection between public cloud