2024-08-04 , TR513

講者將介紹一個基於大型語言模型的數位孿生框架 (LLMTwins),目標在為偏鄉地方創生專案計算社會影響力而打造的軟體框架。演講將深入探討該框架的技術細節,同時分享幾個實際案例,以展示其在偏鄉實踐中的應用與效果。


然而,大部分企業更傾向將資源投入環境(如碳盤查)和公司治理(如性別平等)等領域,而忽略了 ESG 中的 S,即社會責任。其原因在於,偏鄉社區的營造、地方創生以及非營利組織難以應付龐大且複雜的會計稽核,進而在 ESG 浪潮下,因資訊落差而被迫失去機會。

講者與多年從事地方創生工作的機構合作,打造了一個能夠結合專案管理與 ESG 計算的大型語言模型開源框架。該框架的獨特之處在於,它是一個以大型語言模型模擬的數位孿生平台,透過自然語言處理與 ChatBot 的方式,結合創生工作者的專案管理平台,進而在偏鄉缺乏 ESG 管理師的情況下,能夠與數位孿生 ChatBot 進行互動,逐步計算出自身的社會影響力。

小鎮智能股份有限公司 - 執行長
專長為資料科學、ESG 領域以及大語言模型相關應用

Yun-Cheng Tsai (Pecu), based at National Taiwan Normal University, is a prominent researcher with interests spanning Data Science, FinTech, LawTech, EduTech, and Blockchain. With a comprehensive citation count of 288 and a significant surge in citations since 2019, Tsai's work showcases a robust engagement with cutting-edge technologies and methodologies. They have contributed extensively to the fields of educational technology and blockchain through innovative research. Notable works include leveraging educational big data for active learning, introducing blockchain and NFTs to young learners in an accessible manner, and improving financial trading models' explainability. Tsai's research, characterized by a blend of interdisciplinary approaches and practical applications, has led to an impressive H-index of 8, reflecting their impactful contributions to both academia and industry. Their collaborations with various scholars, including those from National Taiwan University and other prestigious institutions, highlight a vibrant academic network and a commitment to advancing knowledge and technology for societal benefit.