雲端 101 :介紹專有名詞與「容器」
2024-08-03, 14:50–15:20 (Asia/Taipei), TR313


Newcomers often need clarification while learning Cloud technologies. One category that often needs clarification about terms is Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud. We will discuss those terms with newcomers from a meta point of view, guiding them to understand how the cloud world works and how to choose the cloud technologies that fit most properly.

Besides, we will also glance at container - a technology that often comes with the cloud to enhance efficiency and consistency during development and deployment. This includes various open-source technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.

By participating in this session, attendees will briefly view their first Cloud journey, understand interaction within those technologies, and clarify their misconceptions.

Structure of this session:

1. Introduction: Public Cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud.
1.1. Overview: Basic concept of Cloud.
1.2. Brief intro with examples:
1.2.1. Public Cloud: Google Cloud, AWS, Azure
1.2.2. Private Cloud: NAS, IBM Z
1.2.3. Hybrid Cloud: Integration of Public and Private Cloud.
2. Common practice using Cloud: Container
2.1. A context-based introduction: Container mitigates gaps between development and deployment. 
2.1.1. Infrastructure settings on the first day
2.1.2. Deploy at a large scale
2.1.3. When your service grows: microservice deployment
2.2. Common practice: Container
2.2.1. Docker
2.2.2. Kubernetes
3. Conclusion: Terms you must know when dealing with Cloud

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James Kuo-Ping Lo is a senior National Taiwan Normal University student studying Computer Science and Learning Sciences. He actively engages in developer and open-source communities in Taiwan, such as Google Developer Student Clubs and SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference). He has delivered several talks at conferences such as COSCUP. He also interned at Google's Data Center in Taiwan.

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