Free and Open Source Licensing Basics for Developers
2024-08-03 , TR510

This session gives an introduction to Free and Open Source Licensing, Copyright Basics, and introduces resources to help software developers pick and apply FLOSS licenses to their software projects.

The session will cover a base understanding of how copyright works and why choosing and applying the right license for your project is important. Next, the speaker will give a brief introduction to the different types of licenses (near-public-domain to strong copyleft) and introduce different online ressources and tools to properly apply software licenses to ypur project, including how best to cover different assets (code, media, documentation).

Simon Hornbachner has been working for 15 years in the Free and Open Source Software space, both as a volunteer for organsizations such as the Free Software Foundation Europe, as well as in a professional capacity setting up corporate Open Source Policy Offices, giving developer trainings, and creating and implementing cybersecurity operations programs around Free and Open Source Software.

Recently, he started his own business, offering consulting services in the area of strategy, governance and cybersecurity around Free and Open Source software.

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