2024-08-03 –, TR409-2
Unleash the potential of PostgreSQL! It can handles complex workloads, i.e. HTAP, combining OLTP as well as OLAP. Needless to say, this is an open source adoption. In this session, I will share how to extend PostgreSQL into a column-oriented store that can compress and scale horizontally while efficiently handling OLAP. Let's learn about HTAP, which is becoming a trend in databases.
Now, relational databases in the cloud offer a variety of optional features. One of them is HTAP, which is attracting a lot of attention. HTAP, which provides powerful analytical capabilities without the need to move data, is beginning to gain citizenship, as seen with Google's AlloyDB and Oracle's MySQL Heatwave. In this session, I propose HTAP configurations that also handle OLAP efficiently using OSS PostgreSQL and its extensions. Specifically, I will see what kind of configurations can be achieved by using column-oriented extensions such as Citus and Hydra, and to what extent they contribute to improving the performance of analytical processing.
Database Technical Lead at NTT Data. He is instrumental in talking with engineers about PostgreSQL and distributed databases and setting up meetups. He is a speaker at PGConf.Asia 2019 and PostgreSQL Conference Japan 2023, and is the Japanese translation supervisor for O'Reilly's Database Internals.