2024-08-04 –, TR313
將深入探討「開源星手村」桌遊的創作過程,並介紹其設計理念和實踐。還會分享將遊戲移植到線上時面臨的挑戰和解決方案,介紹在專案中如何使用 Nextjs, Boardgame.io, Redux 等工具製作線上版桌遊。此外,會聊聊實際在公司導入這款桌遊的實際案例,說明如何利用這款桌遊來模擬專案管理場景。
- 開源星手村介紹-如何從草稿到成品
- 移植到線上-從 Spreadsheet 到 Webapp,如何讓玩家體驗更好
- 我也想做線上桌遊-當 NextJS 與 Boardgame.io 整合後,會遇到什麼問題
- 職場應用案例-如何使用這款桌遊來模擬專案管理場景,這可以怎麼用
Senior Software Engineer @ Agoda
Ben is a passionate software engineer who embraces open-source culture, contributing to various g0v and open-source projects.
As the main contributor to the OpenStarTerVillage homepage project, he is now creating an online version.
Ben believes that anyone who learns from and contributes to the homepage and online board game project will become a developer.