2024-08-03 , TR313

2024 年 3 月,WordPress 社群首度在臺灣舉辦了洲際級研討會 WordCamp Asia 2024。1300 位參加者中有近 1000 位國外夥伴。到底是怎麼做到的呢?在本議程中除了分享 WordPress 社群的運作,以及在臺灣舉辦上千人國際研討會的眉眉角角與實用資訊外,將進一步問社群經營者不得不面對的大問題:活動有激情,所以呢?


2024 年 3 月,WordPress 社群首度在臺灣舉辦了洲際級研討會 WordCamp Asia 2024。1300 位參加者中有近 1000 位國外夥伴。到底是怎麼做到的呢?在本議程中除了分享 WordPress 社群的運作,以及在臺灣舉辦上千人國際研討會的眉眉角角與實用資訊外,將進一步問社群經營者不得不面對的大問題:活動有激情,所以呢?


  • Huanyi Chuang is a co-founder of a digital marketing agency. He’s been in the local WordPress community since 2017, and was an organizer in WCTPE 2018 and 2019, WCTW 2021. He devotes himself to community building and plugins localization.What drives his passion for WordPress? The deeply cherished value of “freedom,” especially the freedom of speech.

  • Yuli Yang is an owner of a small agency and a devoted mother of two. She loves her work so much that it doesn’t feel like a job. She has led and currently mentoring WordCamps and WordPress meetups in Taiwan. In her free time, she enjoys gaming and planning fun activities with her kids.

  • Xini Liu has joined Open Culture Foundation in 2019 to help provide legal and financial services to the community. She enjoys communicating with the community, providing assistance and caffeine, and is inspired by the community to gain endless energy.

WordPress 社群愛好者,以行銷人員的身份開始學習使用 WordPress,之後為了更進一步的協助客戶網站客製化,進而學習可以撰寫程式碼片段程度的 PHP 及 JavaScript。現在是 WordPress 社群活動推廣者,同時為 WordCamp Asia 2024 的召集人之一。