What's new in MySQL 8.4 LTS and some of reference architectures in Korea?
2024-08-03, 11:10–11:40 (Asia/Taipei), TR410

I'd like to talk about What's new in MySQL 8.4 LTS. MySQL 8.4 was recently GA and there are some changes from 8.0, so I will cover the changes and removes.

I'd like to talk about What's new in MySQL 8.4 LTS. MySQL 8.4 was recently GA and there are some changes from 8.0. And I also want to share some MySQL deployment architecture in Korea.
1. mysql_native_password was disabled by default
Important Change: The deprecated mysql_native_password authentication plugin is now disabled by default. It can be enabled by starting MySQL with the new --mysql-native-password=ON server option, or by adding mysql_native_password=ON to the [mysqld] section of your MySQL configuration file.

  1. Some of syntax related with replication was removed, for example, SHOW MASTER STATUS was removed.
    Replication: Syntax for a number of features relating to MySQL Replication that was deprecated in previous versions of MySQL has now been removed.

  2. The other updates from other products such as MySQL Router. It will support auto port on 8.4.
    MySQL Router supports Read-Write splitting

  3. I covered most of the Korean MySQL customers for many years and I want to share some of their architectures.

MySQL Principal Solution Engineer, Oracle MySQL GBU
Founder and staff of MySQL User Group in Korea
Sun Software pre-sales for MySQL, Glassfish and iPlanet web server, Sun Microsystems
Java developer and software architect, LGCNS