OpenStreetMap Community in Japan
2024-08-03 , TR211

This presentation introduces OpenStreetMap Community in Japan's activities.

  • Introduce of OpenStreetMap Japan Community.
  • Introduce of Plateau import activity.
  • Introduce of the vector/raster tile server.
  • Introduce of the Overpass API server.
  • Other GIS topics from Japan.

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  1. OpenStreetMap Japan Community’s Activities
    OpenStreetMap Japan (not OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan) is an open community. We run a small mapathon each week and hold weekly meetups in Kyoto. I will introduce these activities.
    Additionally, the OSM Japan community has started importing PLATEAU#1 3D data. I will discuss the relationship between our community and the Japanese government.

  2. OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan’s Tile Server
    OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan (OSMFJ) runs a vector and raster tile server that covers the entire planet. I maintain this server and will discuss how to manage a server that covers the planet.
    Additionally, OSMFJ operates another tile server based on aerial photos from the government. This tile server is used by mappers for detailed aerial photo mapping and chair mapping.

  3. Overpass API Server in Japan is a new server providing the Overpass API. It is offered on a best-effort basis and is globally accessible. The instance runs on a single machine, but there are no access limitations. I will introduce this to spread awareness among Asian communities.

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GIS Engineer from Georepublic
- Sub president of Japan Unix Society
- Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan
- Director of OSGeo Japan

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