目前任職於 Ubuntu,過往工作有 Virtualization / Distributed systems / Linux kernel 等開發經驗。對系統效能分析相關技術具熱誠,目前致力於累積分析經驗及更深入的理解 Linux kernel。
Hermes, a versatile time-series profiling tool, offers comprehensive system performance analysis. It operates by executing periodic or oneshot jobs as defined in the configurations, thereby monitoring performance metrics. To minimize impact on system performance, Hermes intelligently skips metric collection if the system loading remains below defined thresholds. This feature ensures that the profiling service can seamlessly run in production environments without causing any disruptions. At present, Hermes supports various approaches, including perf, ftrace, and ebpf, to gather detailed information for performance analysis. This diverse range of supported methods enhances the tool's effectiveness in providing insightful performance metrics. During this presentation, Chengen will delve into the concept and implementation with meticulous detail, providing a comprehensive overview of the subject matter.