Frank Hu
現為臺灣分散式自治組織 FAB DAO, g0v-da0 貢獻者、科技議題讀書會 Web3ForAll 參與者、DAO 研究員。參與2023 開拓文教基金會與數位發展部的web3研究與驗證案,協助「DAO治理框架分析規劃書」及「DAO知識傳播暨流程生產鏈規劃書」撰寫。
Frank, who focused on exploring how blockchain technology can enhance mechanism design and community development. Currently, I consider myself a contributor in FAB DAO and g0v-da0, also a participant in the technology reading group Web3ForAll, and works as a DAO researcher. In 2023, I was in the Frontier Foundation's web3 project which collaborated with Ministry of Digital Affairs. I assisted in the writing of the "DAO Governance Framework Analysis" and the "DAO Knowledge Translation, Dissemination and Communication".
政府單位在進行民間協力時,必須考量許多法規與體制上的限制。如何與使用者達成共識、與建設者建立信任,一直是不好處理的難題。但即便在既有的政策工具下,開源合作似乎仍有可能。我們參考經濟學諾獎得主 Ostrom 的制度分析與發展架構(Institutional Analysis Development, IAD),設計了一套框架,以「用獎助案溝通規格,用採購案納入體制」的方法,試圖解決公共科技建設與資訊採購遇到的痛點。