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OONI Partner Gathering 2024 與在地社群推廣 OONI 策略
2024-08-03, 10:35–11:05 (Asia/Taipei), TR210

分享在 2023 年加入開放文化基金會(OCF)後,從堆滿灰塵的專案庫中找到 OONI,決定開啟分析 OONI 觀測資料與定期發佈臺灣觀察報告。開放文化基金會身為 OONI 全球推廣社群夥伴之一,如何在地推廣 OONI 觀測網路狀況工具的重要,以及透過觀察資料分析後,調整在地推廣策略。在 2024/05 參與第一次實體舉辦的 OONI Partner Gathering 活動,邀請約 40 位夥伴、來自 30 個國家,一同討論各區域面臨網路審查的狀況、工具使用的學習或是很研究成果分享關於檢測名單如何修正與更新。



Toomore Chiang - Project Tech Lead at Open Culture Foundation (OCF)

Open Culture Foundation has been a non-profit organization in Taiwan since 2014. We are dedicated to promoting the open source culture, open data, data transparency, internet freedom and digital rights.

As a project technical leader at OCF, committed to assisting open source communities and civil society organizations(CSOs) in collaborating, providing cybersecurity technical support, and promoting social issues with the assistance of open-source technology.

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