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RadioBrowser API - 由社群維護的線上廣播及電視資料庫
2024-08-04, 13:40–14:10 (Asia/Taipei), TR214

Regarding online video streaming, it is easy to find YouTube or Twitch. But what about radio broadcasting online?

We are going to introduce RadioBrowser.API. This community-driven open-source project provides structural, machine-friendly data for application developers to easily find a radio station worldwide.

Unlike video streaming, where platforms like YouTube and Twitch dominate, finding service providers for online radio broadcasting can be daunting. Online radio content providers typically operate on their own servers embedded in their websites. This setup often leads to a cumbersome user experience, with multiple clicks required to change a radio station, and the ' tune-in' experience can feel like a thing of the past. However, with Radio-Browser.API, finding a radio station is as simple as a single click, offering a welcome relief from the usual complexities.

本議程將與會眾介紹 RadioBrowser API。這是一個由社群啟發的開源專案,提供各多媒體/串流應用程式一個便捷的管道統整並搜尋線上的各種廣播串流(也就是線上廣播界的 WikiData)。

線上串流廣播電台多為區域性,且各自有自己的串流服務提供方式,不像影片串流大多集中在特定獨角獸網站上(比如: YouTube、 Vimo)。此 API 將可以使各應用程式便捷的 Query 到世界各地的廣播電台,快速找到當前線上的某個廣播電台連結點,作為使各應用程式提供便利的原生 APP 內廣播串流聆聽服務的墊腳石。


1. 簡介大鋼 - 2min
1.1 我是誰
1.2 議程時間規劃簡介
2. 介紹音訊串流常見實作方式 - 7min (目前這段預計簡單帶過)
2.1 編碼、解碼、封包傳輸、編碼格式(MP3、Ogg) 
3. 介紹 RadioBrowser API 為何、其實作方式、其 Field 內容等等 - 15 min
3.1 Radio Browser API 背景簡介
3.2 Radio Browser API 運作原理
3.3 Radio Browser API 實作特色簡介
3.3.1 依照標籤搜尋
3.3.2 依照語言搜尋
3.3.3 依照地理位置搜尋
3.4 Radio Browser API 現場帶領導覽
4. 結語與QA - 演講所剩下時間

RadioBrowser API:

James Kuo-Ping Lo is a senior National Taiwan Normal University student studying Computer Science and Learning Sciences. He actively engages in developer and open-source communities in Taiwan, such as Google Developer Student Clubs and SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference). He has delivered several talks at conferences such as COSCUP. He also interned at Google's Data Center in Taiwan.

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