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James Kuo-Ping Lo (Misawai)

James Kuo-Ping Lo is a senior National Taiwan Normal University student studying Computer Science and Learning Sciences. He actively engages in developer and open-source communities in Taiwan, such as Google Developer Student Clubs and SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference). He has delivered several talks at conferences such as COSCUP. He also interned at Google's Data Center in Taiwan.

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雲端 101 :介紹專有名詞與「容器」
James Kuo-Ping Lo (Misawai)


Open Source For Beginners
RadioBrowser API - 由社群維護的線上廣播及電視資料庫
James Kuo-Ping Lo (Misawai)

Regarding online video streaming, it is easy to find YouTube or Twitch. But what about radio broadcasting online?

We are going to introduce RadioBrowser.API. This community-driven open-source project provides structural, machine-friendly data for application developers to easily find a radio station worldwide.

Unlike video streaming, where platforms like YouTube and Twitch dominate, finding service providers for online radio broadcasting can be daunting. Online radio content providers typically operate on their own servers embedded in their websites. This setup often leads to a cumbersome user experience, with multiple clicks required to change a radio station, and the ' tune-in' experience can feel like a thing of the past. However, with Radio-Browser.API, finding a radio station is as simple as a single click, offering a welcome relief from the usual complexities.

Student Education Track (SED)