COSCUP 2024 Call for Participation

Proposals are closed

COSCUP 2024 Call for Participation

The COSCUP 2024 community track/booth starts accepting applications now. For important dates and cooperation plans, please refer to Official Blog.

※ 🔥 ✅ Community Booth is now recruiting, welcome to apply

※ ❌ Not longer accept for requesting new community session track

Terms and Conditions for Collaboration

  • All applications for community and booth partnerships must carefully read the Community Partner Cooperation Guidelines. Please refer to this document.
    Once register for the COSCUP as community partner is considered as your agreement to this year's guidlines.
  • Open Hour: COSCUP will plan meetings on regular basis for each community to facilitate planning process leading up to the conference date. Communities are welcome to participate.
  • Whether you are an organizer or a community, please pro-actively follow up on broadcast notifications or discussion items in the community groups to better in-sync with COSCUP and get the most updated info to have a successful conference for everyone involves.

Important Dates

Please pay attention to the key dates on the following schedule and mark dates in your calendar.
- 02/11 (Sunday): Call for Community starts!
- 02/25 (Sunday): Q&A Meeting for community newbies
- 03/17 (Sunday): Community session application deadline
- 03/18 (Monday): Community Open Hour Start (Community Q&A Meeting) / Release Accepted Community Tracks
- 03/24 (Sunday): 1. Community Prime Session Speaker Recommendation Form open for submission. 2. Communities are required to provide additional applicaiton information you wish to add in the system which are not exisitng in pretalx system to COSCUP.( Final design for Speakers application for Call for Paper )
- 03/31 (Sunday): COSCUP announces CFP
- 05/09 (Thursday): Call for papers deadline, reviewing begins (communities are required to prioritize reviewing papers for speakers who need to apply for visa or invitation letter to better facilitate visa application
- 05/09 (Thursday): Start to accept applications for visas and invitation letters inquiries from oversea speakers (please refer to the guidelines)
- 06/09 (Sunday): Community notifies all accepted papers, communities provide complete program schedule
- 06/16 (Sunday): Deadline for handling overseas speaker visa and invitation letter
- 07/07 (Sunday): Program schedule released
- 08/02 (Friday): COSCUP Pre-Party ( COSCUP will ask for the quantity of tickets from each community in advance, and you can also inform speakers to participate in this event)
- 08/03~08/04 COSCUP 2024!

Please read the following requirements before filling in the form, thank you.

  1. Fill in the name of your community in "Title".
  2. Fill in the introduction of your community in "Abstract".
  3. Apply Community Booth/Track in "Track"
  4. Upload the LOGO of your community in "Profile picture". (Al or SVG would be better, sometimes PNG won't work.)

*We'd like to inform you, start from last year, you will need to find volunteers in your community to take photos of speakers / keep the video cam rolling. Starting from this year, the community is required to assist in editing community videos. The guideline for video editing will be provided*

The following is detailed information

COSCUP 2024 Community Sessions (Application Deadline: March 17) / Booths (Application Deadline: June 3) are now open for applications. Community partners who are interested in joining us this year, please seize the opportunity now!

Community Sessions

COSCUP 2024 Community Sessions provide venues and administrative assistance for hosting discussions, roundtables, workshops, etc., throughout the day on specific open-source topics. Features include:

  • Customizable Session Duration: Each community can determine the time for each session, whether it's 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or even hosting workshops for several hours.
  • Customizable Break Time: Each community can decide whether to have break time or consecutive sessions.
  • Collaboration between COSCUP 2024 and Communities
  • Partners interested in collaboration need to confirm the details of cooperation:

Detailed Document

  • Early Bird CFP is provided to better prepare our contributors with visa requirements. If the topic is matching with your community track, we will match the paper to yours.
  • Communities need to edit videos themselves and upload them to to the COSCUP Youtube channel.
  • This year, there will be a community recruitment experience-sharing session. Community partners interested in sharing their experiences are welcome to sign up.
    -There will be The Open Hour services this year, and communities are encouraged to participate in the meetings.
  • Communities participating in COSCUP are welcome to promote and share information about community activities. However, it should be noted in relevant documents that COSCUP is the organizer.
  • For activities planned by communities on the day of COSCUP, setting independent regulations, pages, and events is welcome, but it must be indicated in relevant documents as COSCUP-related activities. In order to aligned with the spirit of COSCUP, please try to avoid limiting audience participation in activities related to COSCUP.

Application Rules

Session Content

In previous years, COSCUP speaking slots have always been in high demand, so we do not want sessions intentionally left empty. By applying, you commit to filling the allocated session time. Each community session is allocated approximately 6 hours, and the specific schedule will be adjusted based on the application situation, to be announced later. When scheduling sessions, the length of each session, whether there is break time, etc., are determined by the community.

The coordinator of the community session must complete the schedule allocation by June 9.

If you are not confident that your submissions can fill the entire day's schedule, please consider applying jointly with other communities or indicate on the application that you hope COSCUP will assist in pairing. We will do our best, but cannot guarantee.

Topic Submissions

After approval, you need to provide the required information for the call for papers by March 24 (such as the type of submissions you want, any special fields in the system for COSCUP ). COSCUP will consolidate and release the call for papers messages and forms. All submissions must be filled out through COSCUP's form (even if you invite speakers yourself).
On-site, we kindly request each community to assist in ensuring the continuous operation of recording equipment within the lecture halls, ensuring accurate video recording.
Post-event, the conference will upload recordings of each community track, and we ask each community to help annotate the respective session timecodes.
This year, we will not be assisting in recording and editing sessions for each track. After the event, we will provide the complete video files of the sessions in the respective lecture halls. Each community is requested to edit and upload their edited videos to the COSCUP folder independently (with COSCUP assisting in exposure).We will provide editing instructions to assist in the process.The recorded video footage will be publicly released under the CC BY 4.0 license for open access.

Community Coordinators

Please provide the names and contact information of two community members as community coordinators when applying. They will be the main points of contact during the conference after approval. During the event, at least one coordinator must stay in the venue to handle relevant administrative matters.

In line with the paperless initiative to care for the environment, COSCUP has used electronic schedules in recent years, and sponsor ads will play at the screen when users read schedule information.

This year, COSCUP hopes to adapt a more open and helpful environment to further provide a better experience for everyone involves. Below are a few new implementations.

  1. Community Open Hour
    This is an open opportunity for community partners to ask questions directly. This is a place any questions, ideas, and suggestions about the latest planning, and information are welcome. Our goal is to keep all community members updated leading to the event dates.

  2. Community Experience Sharing

This year, there will be a sharing meeting from previous community members to talk about their past experiences with COSCUP.

Community Booths

Passionate FLOSS community partners, do you want the chance to recruit new members, promote yourselves, or gather with members for casual discussions? As per tradition, COSCUP 2024 will open a limited space for FLOSS communities to set up booths. Just submit your application through the form, and you have the chance to secure a spot at the venue!

Important Dates

  • 02/11 (Sunday): Community booth open for application
  • 04/17 (Wednesday): First batch of community booth list release
  • 06/03 (Monday): Community booth application deadline
  • Mid-June: Release of the complete community booth list

Application Rules

Applicants must represent FLOSS communities or non-profit organizations advocating for free and open-source software.

Please ensure that at least one person is present at the booth during any period of the conference. Keep valuable items secure during the conference; we don't responsible for storage.

If providing food at the booth or having situations where there will be sound, such as music or videos playing, coordination and approval from COSCUP are required.

Equipment Provided by COSCUP (Booth)

One table (180 x 60 cm) with two chairs, possibly shared with other communities.
At least one 110V power outlet (total power consumption within 550W). It is recommended to bring your own power extension cord.
After successful registration, we will provide a more detailed booth specification for reference. Also, booth personnel who wish to attend join any session at COSCUP as attendees should register separtely.

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-06-04 19:59 (Asia/Taipei).