Building Zero-knowledge proofs with Keelung
2023-07-30 , TR 212
Language: English

Keelung is a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) developed by BTQ for building zero-knowledge proof (ZKP). It's built so developers can build ZK applications without related underlying cryptography knowledge. Since Keelung is embeded in Haskell, we can make use of existing Haskell features and toolchain without introducing another set of tools.

Keelung is a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) developed by BTQ for building zero-knowledge proof (ZKP). It's built so developers can build ZK applications without related underlying cryptography knowledge. Since Keelung is embeded in Haskell, we can make use of existing Haskell features and toolchain without introducing another set of tools.
This talk will cover:
* What is ZKP and its application
* Why we need a programming language for it
* The relation between existing languages and Keelung
* Simple demos in Haskell and Keelung
* (Optional) Proof system like Groth16, Plonk and how Keelung compiles to their constraint system (e.g. R1CS)
* (Optional) Complex demo in Keelung (e.g. ECDSA)

Keelung documentation at:
BTQ official website:



Target Audience

從對零知識證明有興趣的普羅大眾到 Haskell 開發者都歡迎 Everyone who's interested in ZKP or functional programming languages

Programmer @ BTQ