FHIR 實作與應用線上論壇 – FHIR 整合與推動 – 電子病歷交換實務案例分享
2023-07-29, 13:10–13:40 (Asia/Taipei), TR 616
Language: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) 是當代醫療資訊交換的關鍵標準,旨在促進健康資訊的互通性和整合性,以實現更高效和無縫的醫療病歷交換。探討成功的「FHIR 整合與推動」資料案例,整合了不同醫療資訊的資料,並採用FHIR標準建立了一個統一的病歷交換平台的優勢,探討了實現FHIR整合與推動所面臨的挑戰與解決方案。包括不同資料格式的轉換、隱私和安全風險、以及組織內部文化轉變等方面。將了有效的策略和工具,幫助醫療機構克服這些挑戰,推動FHIR的成功實施。總結了FHIR整合與推動在電子病歷交換中的關鍵作用。透過這個演講分享,聽眾將認識到FHIR標準對於促進醫療資訊互通和提升病歷交換效率的重要性。我們希望這些實踐經驗能夠啟發更多醫療機構積極採用FHIR,推動醫療資訊交換的普及,從而共同推進全球醫療服務的品質和效率提升。



Target Audience


Length of session

45 分鐘

Dr. Hsiu An Lee is a researcher working at the National Health Research Institutes, in Taiwan. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in information management from the National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. He completed his Ph.D. in Information Engineering at Tamkang University. Dr. Lee's work at NHRI focuses on the data integration and interoperability of clinical health data. He is actively involved in researching the mechanisms underlying these data value-added using and the development of an effective platform. His research has been published in numerous prestigious journals and has garnered international recognition. Hsiu An Lee specializes in healthcare system design, artificial intelligence applications, medical big data analysis, personalized medical artificial intelligence, decision-making framework, and conduct of international workshops.