Language: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
2023-07-29, 13:00–13:30 (Asia/Taipei), TR 509
台灣台語 sī 台灣 ê 國家語言, mā-sī 台灣通四界 ê 通用語言,東南亞 ê 馬來西亞、新加坡、印尼 ê 福建話,菲律賓 ê 咱人話,中國 ê 泉州話、漳州話 kah 海南話,mā ū kah 台語 ē-tàng 彼此之間無仝程度 ê 交流。這場 bueh 解說 Wikipedia nan 抑是維基辭典 等等 ê 維基媒體計畫 ê 狀況,猶閣有未來 ê 可能計畫。
Taiwan Taiwanese is one of the Taiwan national languages and a common language in Taiwan, and also an active Sinitic language in South East Asia countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, China, known as Hokkien, Lan-lang-oe, or Banlam-gi, interchangeable with Taiwan Taigi. In this section, I will summarize the past of nan Wikipedia projects and other related nan Wikimedia projects like Wikidata, and Wiktionary.
台灣台語 sī 台灣 ê 國家語言, mā-sī 台灣通四界 ê 通用語言,東南亞 ê 馬來西亞、新加坡、印尼 ê 福建話,菲律賓 ê 咱人話,中國 ê 泉州話、漳州話 kah 海南話,mā ū kah 台語 ē-tàng 彼此之間無仝程度 ê 交流,共通分享以早祖先流傳落來 ê 話語。。Sui-bóng 台灣台語 sī 日常生活 kah 影視作品ê常用語,毋過 tī 書面 kah 網路頂,欠缺文獻 kah 文本。Tī這場講演,我 bueh 講台灣維基社群 tī-teh 做 ê 代誌,
Wikidata ê 標籤、敘述,收字ê詞條,猶閣ū nan Wikipedia,應該按怎用Wikidataê永久重複項,連結用白話字kah漢字書寫ê條目內容。mā ū人bueh編輯nan維基辭典。mā會講kah姊妹仔計畫,親像講OpenStreetMap ê 地號名ê nan標籤bueh按怎配合。
Taiwan Taiwanese is one of the Taiwan national languages and a common language in Taiwan, and also an active Sinitic language in South East Asia countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, China, known as Hokkien or Lan-lang-oe, interchangeable with Taiwan Taigi. Even though it is also an active market language and entertainment industry language, Taiwanese Taigi lacks formal written documents and articles. In this section, I will share the activities that the Taiwanese community is doing, such as adding nan labels and descriptions on Wikidata and editing nan lexemes on Wikidata.
And I will mention the current situation of nan Wikipedia, and how to handle by Wikimedia's permanent duplicated items, linking different Wikipedia articles' written forms like POJ or hanji on Wikidata.
There are some editors expanding lexemes on nan Wikdictionary. Sisters project like OpenStreetMap, it is also possible to collaboratively edit on adding nan place names.
Target Audience –希望關心台灣台語,嘛有小可知影 Wikidata 抑是編輯過維基百科 ê 人 ē-tàng 來聽 kah 指教
台灣 ê OpenStreetMap 圖客 kah Wikidata 貢獻者(User:Supaplex),sī 臺北 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 月聚 ê 共同主持人。最近攏 teh 大會用臺灣台語講演講。嘛是臺灣維基協會 ê 理事之一。