Language: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
2023-07-30, 10:40–11:10 (Asia/Taipei), TR 511
分享參加 Autoware 自駕車社群的緣由,並且簡單介紹 Autoware,包含架構、功能等等,最後會帶出參與 Autoware 社群的經驗以及貢獻。
In the talk, I'll share why I joined Autoware community and give a brief introduction to Autoware architecture and functionality. Also, I'll share my experience and contributions to Autoware.
Autoware 是世界上少有的開源自駕車框架,隨著自駕車的概念越來越盛行,對企業或學術單位來說,可以基於一個開源的框架來發展自己的產品或研究是非常重要的。期望透過這次的介紹,讓更多人可以了解並參加 Autoware 社群。
此外,Autoware 在技術上基於 ROS 2 / DDS 並開發各種自駕車相關的演算法模組,例如定位、感知、路徑規劃等等,各個貢獻者會針對感興趣的部份進行討論和貢獻。這次介紹中也會特別分享自己是如何找到可以改進的地方,與社群討論,並且貢獻程式碼的經驗。
Autoware is an open-source autonomous driving framework. While autonomous driving is more and more popular, it's very important for companies and researchers to develop products or do research based on an open framework. I hope to invite more people to join the Autoware community after the talk.
Furthermore, Autoware is based on ROS 2 / DDS to develop several modules related to autonomous driving, e.g. localization, perception, planning, and so on. Contributors will discuss and contribute to the module they are interested in. In the talk, I'll also share my experience about how to discuss with the community and have some contributions.
Target Audience –對自駕車有興趣的開發者
Software engineer with experience in ROS, embedded system, network protocol, and security. Now working on Autoware.