
曾任數家金融機構之開發者/資安工程師/資安主管,其專長於雲端資安規劃,零信任架構,混合環境資安監控及數據驅動資安,亦為 GDG Taipei (台北谷歌技術社群) 資安領域負責人


Flutter 不再黑箱之Dart語言源碼檢測分享
Noflag, Fngi

Flutter 是一個由 Google 開發的跨平台應用程式開發框架,讓開發者可以使用一套程式碼開發 iOS、Android、Web 和桌面應用程式。SonarQube 是著名開源程式碼檢測工具。隨著應用程式規模的不斷擴大,程式碼品質和安全性的重要性也日益凸顯,程式碼靜態掃描是安全程式開發工作第一步.本演講將介紹如何使用SonarQube來進行Flutter程式的靜態程式分析,以確保程式品質和可維護性。我們將深入探討SonarQube的工作原理以及如何配置SonarQube來掃描Flutter程式。此外,我們還會講解SonarQube如何提供即時反饋,並生成報告和指示,幫助開發團隊識別和解決潛在的程式問題。

Flutter is a cross-platform application development framework developed by Google, allowing developers to use a single codebase to develop applications for iOS, Android, Web, and desktop. SonarQube is a well-known open-source code analysis tool. As the scale of applications continues to expand, the importance of code quality and security becomes increasingly prominent, and static code scanning is the first step in secure software development. This talk will introduce how to use SonarQube for static code analysis of Flutter applications to ensure code quality and maintainability. We will delve into the working principles of SonarQube and how to configure it for scanning Flutter code. Additionally, we will discuss how SonarQube provides real-time feedback and generates reports and guidelines to help development teams identify and address potential code issues.

Party for Google developers
TR 312