目前為Apache ShardingSphere和Apache SkyWalking核心貢獻者,參與該開源項目在軟件開發雲的商業化進程。前噹噹網系統架構師,開源達人,曾參與Elastic-Job等知名開源項目。對開源項目的管理,推廣和社區運營有豐富的經驗。
積極參與技術分享,曾在多個技術大會中做過分享,包括DTCC,ArchSummit, Top100,Oracle嘉年華等。在多個媒體發表過文章,如InfoQ,OSChina等
著作:《Apache SkyWalking實戰》
BanyanDB is an observability database optimized to handle metrics, tracing, and logging data generated by Apache SkyWalking. It improves performance and resource usage for SkyWalking's APM data model. Based on the RUM conjecture, BanyanDB extends SkyWalking's boundary and optimizes the data flow process. During this talk, the speaker will delve into the specifics of BanyanDB, based on their conjecture. He will elaborate on why this particular storage layer is superior in terms of reliability and effectiveness when compared to other options available.