Toomore Chiang (

過去曾在一家手作平台和一家 AI 廣告投放新創公司工作,同時也擔任 COSCUP 開源人年會的行政工作。後來因緣際會參與公部門和開放文化基金會在開放原始碼相關的專案,並希望未來可以協助促進公民團體和開源社群之間的合作與交流。


開放原始碼軟體中文化 — 翻譯流程技術支援 | Open Source Software Localization - Translation Process and Technical Support
Toomore Chiang (, Peter Chen petercpg, 李欣穎 (Singing), 郭景晏 (Rosa Kuo), 曾政嘉 (Cheng-Chia Tseng)


如何開始中文化專案的準備,與數位部合作的中文化專案:GOV.UK Notify、GOV.UK Forms、IRMA、Element Series、Standard for Public code。各專案對於中文化架構都面對到不同的處理方式,各專案的調整、翻譯平台 Weblate 的建立、翻譯流程、校閱流程的建立,到最後需要實際畫面檢查的方式,都會在議程中分享。

備註:本議題由開放文化基金會 — 軟體中文化專案成員、譯者、校閱者共講。

How to overcome technical challenges to make open-source software more easily adaptable for Chinese localization, including translation and proofreading processes, maintaining semantic quality, and managing language files.

How to initiate the preparation for Chinese localization projects and collaborate with the digital team on various Chinese localization projects, such as GOV.UK Notify, GOV.UK Forms, IRMA, Element Series, and Standard for Public code. Each project may require different approaches to Chinese localization architecture, adjustments, setting up the translation platform Weblate, establishing translation and proofreading processes, and eventually conducting actual screen inspections, which will all be shared during the session.

Note: This topic will be presented collectively by members, translators, and proofreaders of the Open Culture Foundation - Software Localization Project.

Open Source Newbies
TR 313